The first-generation nanomachines, however, have a serious side effect: If they are injected into a person, they also have a chance with having a negative interference with someone's heart, especially if the person injected had suffered from rapid aging, as was what happened to Solid Snake. These nanomachines could also be recharged via a person's body heat, although they will end up lost if the person injected was bleeding or through excretion.

They could be manipulated to reduce the effects of disease, though they were unable to directly administer specific medicines. Nanomachines also made it possible to restrict the host's actions, such as shooting a gun, and to stimulate the host's muscle fibers using ciliary motility. In February 2005, during the Shadow Moses Incident, Naomi Hunter injected nanomachines into Solid Snake's body, which included: a nanomachine to supply and administer adrenalin, nutrients, sugar, nootropics, and benzedrine a nanomachine to recharge a Codec's battery and a nanomachine to infect the body with the FOXDIE virus. 2 People who have utilized nanomachines.

1.4 Medical and commercial nanomachines.